This week I wanted to up my python development `fu` by focusing on my tooling. My main criterium was to move fast between definitions and files to understand a new code base. For a while, I have been learning about vim from the ThePrimeagen Youtube channel. His latest video on getting started with Neovim is simply an excellent resource.
So I took the time to implement each step following the video. In the process, not only I have learned a great deal about how to set up Neovim with Lua, but also what it is like to be fluent in vim, and I liked it. My new setup, which is a simplified version of the one in the video is now in dot files repository.
Some of the shortcuts that I do not want to forget (not categorized):
gd: Jump to definition
Ctrl-o: Returns cursor to the previous position (e.g. before the jump to definition)
‘': Similar to Ctrl-o but returns to the line (not position)
K: Shows help for the object under the cursor
pf: Project find, works with files
ps: Project search, works with code/text
pv: Opens Netrw navigator
f: finds a character in the current line after the cursor
a: Inserts after the cursor
J: Brings line below to current line
zz: Centralize the cursor in the middle of the screen
Ctrl+e: Opens harpoon dialog
Spc+a: Marks file to harpoon
Ctrl+h: Switch to harpoon position 1
Ctrl+t: Switch to harpoon position 2
At this time, I still have not replaced my development workflow, with Jupyter-lab, with the Neovim setup. Since I work mainly with data, it is necessary to find the best way to bend the new tooling to my REPL workflow. However, getting acquainted with the new code base has been a delight with the new tooling so far.
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